The National Cotton Council believes that a proactive weed resistance management program will not only improve the environment, but can significantly improve a producer’s bottom line. In the coming years, weed resistance prevention and management will continue to grow in importance. The NCC is helping producer members determine which weed resistance programs would be beneficial to their operations and to better understand the management process.
To facilitate this effort, the NCC has created a central information venue. At this page, producers can view short educational videos outlining various weed resistance issues in various crops, including cotton, corn and soybeans, and programs with commentary from Stanley Culpepper, Kenneth Smith, Larry Steckel, Jason Norsworthy and Bob Nichols.
This page will be continually updated with the latest information on weed resistance.
Weed Resistance Video
In this video, four cotton producers who know about this menace firsthand discuss why this concern must not be ignored and provide valuable information on how to deal with weed resistance.
Biology and Management of Pigweed
Field Day with Dr. Stanley Culpepper
Horseweed Control this Weed Early