| Improved Decision-Making Is "Beltwide" Goal 10/28/2016 The 2017 Beltwide Cotton Conferences’ (BWCC) can help its attendees improve production, processing and marketing efficiency by providing them with insight into the latest available tools and research findings. |
 | NCC Cites Need for Broad Examination of Global Fiber Markets 09/13/2016 National Cotton Council President/CEO Dr. Gary Adams says, “The U.S. decision to pursue a challenge against Chinese agricultural subsidies for grain crops reflects a growing desire in the United States and abroad to address more effectively the range of policies in major developing countries that affect agricultural markets.” |
 | Far West Cotton Producers to See Texas Operations 08/08/2016 Eight cotton producers from Arizona and California will see cotton and other agriculture-related operations in Texas on August 15-18 as part of the 2016 National Cotton Council’s Producer Information Exchange. |
 | Southwest Cotton Producers to See San Joaquin Valley Agriculture 07/26/2016 Eleven cotton producers from Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas will observe cotton and other agricultural operations in California’s San Joaquin Valley the week of August 1 as part of the National Cotton Council’s 2016 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program. |  | Southeast Cotton Producers to See Mid-South Operations 07/21/2016 Thirteen cotton producers from the Southeast will see cotton operations in Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee on July 24-28 as part of the NCC's 2016 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) program. |  | U.S. Warehouse Act’s Contributions Recognized 07/15/2016 WASHINGTON, DC – USDA and industry stakeholders are commemorating a century of successful partnership with commodity warehouse operators that have made reliable agricultural storage and marketing possible since World War I. |  | Mid-South Cotton Producers to See Operations in Carolinas 07/13/2016 MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Twelve Mid-South cotton producers will see cotton operations in North Carolina and South Carolina on July 18-21 as part of the National Cotton Council’s 2016 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) program. |  | NCC Leadership Delegation Completes Successful China Visit 07/01/2016 A National Cotton Council leadership delegation visited China from June 27–July 1 to share information with the Chinese cotton/textile industries and update them on the U.S. cotton industry. |
 | National Cotton Council Names 2016 Directors 02/09/2016 The NCC directors for '16 were announced at the NCC’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on Feb. 5-7. |  | National Cotton Council 2016 State Unit Officers Named 02/09/2016 NCC state unit officers for 2016 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on Feb. 5-7. |  | Michael Tate Elected American Cotton Producers Chair 02/09/2016 Michael Tate of Huntsville, Ala., was elected chairman of the American Cotton Producers (ACP) of the National Cotton Council (NCC) for '16, during the NCC’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on February 5-7. |  | Cotton Service Award Honors Jimmy Dodson 02/08/2016 Jimmy Dodson, a Robstown, Texas, cotton producer, is the recipient of the 2015 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award. He was honored during the NCC’s '16 annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on February 5-7. |  | Shane Stephens to Lead the NCC in '16 02/08/2016 Shane Stephens to Lead the NCC in '16 |  | Ron Craft to Lead National Cotton Ginners Association 02/08/2016 The Memphis-based National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA) elected its 2016 officers on February 5 during its annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. |  | Louis Colombini Receives National Ginner Award 02/08/2016 Louis Colombini, manager of the Westside Farmers Coop Gins in Fresno and an active ginner leader in California, was named the recipient of the National Cotton Ginners Association’s 2015 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year. He was recognized during the NCGA’s 2016 annual meeting in Dallas, Texas on February 5. |  | Low Prices, Weak Demand, Uncertain Macroeconomy Making For Challenging Year 02/06/2016 NCC economists say '16 will be another challenging year for the US cotton industry – with low cotton prices, ample global stocks and uncertainties regarding global mill cotton use. |  | NCC Survey Suggests US Producers to Plant 9.1 Million Acres in '16 02/06/2016 US cotton producers intend to plant 9.1 million cotton acres this spring, up 6.2 percent from 2015, according to the NCC’s 35th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. |  | Cotton Council International Elects 2016 Officers 02/05/2016 MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Keith T. Lucas, Garner, N.C., cooperative official, will serve as president of Cotton Council International (CCI) for 2016. He and other CCI officers were elected at CCI’s board meeting in Dallas today during the National Cotton Council’s (NCC) 2016 Annual Meeting. |  | Texas Representative Conaway Addressing Cotton Council Delegates 02/04/2016 House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX) is scheduled to address delegates attending the NCC's '16 Annual Meeting in Dallas on Feb. 6. |  | NCC Praises Efforts to Reinstate Commodity Marketing Certificates 02/04/2016 USDA announced the implementation and availability of commodity marketing certificates as part of the Marketing Loan Program (MLP) available to all loan eligible commodities. |  | NCC Statement Regarding Secretary's Cottonseed Remarks 02/03/2016 The National Cotton Council said in a statement that it is extremely disappointed in Agriculture Secretary Vilsack’s Feb. 3 comments that USDA believes its legal interpretation of the farm bill does not provide the authority to make the cottonseed designation. |
 | Weaver Receives 2015 Cotton Genetics Research Award 01/07/2016 Dr. David B. Weaver, a cotton breeder who has dedicated his career conducting plant breeding research and educating generations of undergraduate and graduate students at Auburn University, is the recipient of the 2015 Cotton Genetics Research Award. |  | NCC Appreciates Senators’ Cottonseed Designation Request 01/05/2016 The NCC appreciates Senator John Boozman’s (R-AR) initiative in getting his Cotton Belt colleagues to sign onto a Jan. 4 letter to Agriculture Secretary Vilsack urging him to designate cottonseed as an ‘other oilseed’ as a means to bring some “much needed stability and support to cotton producers and the broader cotton industry.” |