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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Volume 23 / 2019

Issue 1 Table of Contents
pp. 01-06 Cotton Response to Simulated Hail Damage and Stand Loss in Central Texas
Joshua McGinty, Gaylon Morgan, and Dale Mott
pp. 07-13 Evaluation of Early Season Foliar Fungicide Applications to Support Non-Fungicidal ‘Plant Health’ Benefits
Tyson B. Raper, Dan D. Fromme, Darrin Dodds, Gaylon Morgan, Randy Boman, Shawn Butler, and W. Hunter Frame
pp. 14-20 Three Soil Water Potential Strategies to Schedule Irrigation Events using S3DI in Cotton
Ronald B. Sorensen and Marshall C. Lamb
pp. 21-27 Impact of Irrigation Timing on Tarnished Plant Bug Populations and Yield of Cotton
Clinton Wilks Wood, Jeff Gore, Angus Catchot, Don Cook, Darrin Dodds, and Jason Krutz
pp. 28-37 Impact of Nitrogen Application Rate on Tarnished Plant Bug (Heteroptera: Miridae) Populations and Management in Cotton
Chase A. Samples, Darrin M. Dodds, Jeffrey Gore, Angus L. Catchot, Bobby R. Golden, Jac J. Varco, and John M. Riley
pp. 38-47 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Elite U.S. and Race Stock Accessions of Upland Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]])
Linglong Zhu, Priyanka Tyagi, Baljinder Kaur, and Vasu Kuraparthy
pp. 48-58 Testing Locations in Regional High Quality Tests for Cotton Seed Quality Traits
Linghe Zeng, William C. Bridges Jr., and Fred M. Bourland
pp. 59-65 Accuracy, Precision, and Harvesting Efficiency of a Cotton Plot Picker Installed with an Automatic Weighing System in a Cotton Breeding Program
Jinfa Zhang and Sidney E. Hughs
pp. 66-77 How Current Cotton Ginning Practices Affect Fiber Length Uniformity Index
Carlos B. Armijo, Derek P. Whitelock, Paul A. Funk, and Vikki B. Martin
pp. 78-89 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]A Comprehensive Gin Maintenance Program
Paul A. Funk and Robert G. Hardin IV
pp. 90-96 Effects of Harvesting Direction and Row Spacing on the Cotton Stripper Performance in Irrigated Cotton Fields
Majid Roozbeh and Mahmood Zahiri
pp. 97-108 [[font color="ff0000"]]NOTE[[/font]][[BR]]A Preliminary Investigation into the Feasibility of Gin Blending
M.H.J. van der Sluijs, C. Delhom, J. Wanjura and G. Holt
pp. 109-117 Assessment of Cotton Leaf and Yield Responses to Water-Deficit Stress During Flowering and Boll Development
John Burke and Mauricio Ulloa
pp. 118-130 1-Methylcyclopropene Effects on Field-Grown Cotton: Morphological Characteristics and Yield
Murilo M. Maeda, J. Tom Cothren, James L. Heilman, Carlos J. Fernandez, Gaylon D. Morgan, and Vladimir A. da Costa
pp. 131-140 Impact of Cereal Rye Seeding Rate and Planting Method on Weed Control in Cotton
Matheus Palhano, Jason Norsworthy, and Tom Barber
pp. 141-147 The Effect of Duration of Corn ([[em]]Zea mays[[/em]]) Interference on Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]]) Growth and Yield
Reed C. Storey, John T. Buol, Amber N. Eytcheson, Daniel B. Reynolds, J. Trent Irby, and Chad L. Smith
Issue Editors
Issue 2 Table of Contents
pp. 148-160 Cotton Development and Yield Response to Irrigation, Planting Date, and Cultivar in North Carolina
Todd A. Spivey, Keith L. Edmisten, Randy Wells, David Jordan, Joshua L. Heitman, and Gail G. Wilkerson
pp. 161-167 Upland Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Enhanced Inputs Across the Mid-south and Southeast Cotton Belt
Todd A. Spivey, W. Hunter Frame, Darrin M. Dodds, Andrea S. Jones, Keith L. Edmisten, David Jordan, and Randy Wells
pp. 168-176 Functional Characterization of Seed and Seedling Vigor in Cotton
Freddie M. Bourland
pp. 177-181 Joint Segregation of High Glanding with Nectariless and Frego Bract in Cotton
Mauricio A. Tcach, Mónica V. Spoljaric, Diego A. Bela, and Carlos A. Acuña
pp. 182-217 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]Cotton Gin Pneumatic Conveying Systems
Derek Whitelock, Michael Buser, Gregory Holt, Robert Hardin IV, Kelley Green, John Fabian, Duncan McCook
pp. 218-224 Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Injury, Growth, and Yield Following Low-Dose Flumioxazin Postemergence Applications
Daniel O. Stephenson IV, Todd A. Spivey, Michael A. Deliberto Jr., David C. Blouin, Brandi C. Woolam, and Trace B. Buck
Issue Editors
Issue 3 Table of Contents
pp. 225-230 Effect of Foliar Applied Nitrogen to Cotton with Artificial Terminal and Node Removal
Michael T. Plumblee, Darrin M. Dodds, L. Jason Krutz, Angus L. Catchot, J. Trenton Irby, and Johnie N. Jenkins
pp. 231-238 The Use of Canopeo for Seedling Cotton Health Ratings in Small Plot Research
Scott H. Graham, Xiaojaun Zhu, Heather Kelly, Scott D. Stewart
pp. 239-245 Jacob Osborne Ware, an Early Cotton Breeding Giant
Freddie M. Bourland
pp. 246-252 Cotton Improvement Conference 1948-2018 and Cotton Genetics Research Award 1961-2018
Jack C. McCarty; Jr.
pp. 253-261 Comparison of Growth, Yield, and Fiber Quality of the Obsolete SA30 Yellow Leaf with Four Sets of Modern Yellow and Green Leaf Near Isogenic Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Lines
Rickie B. Turley, Salliana R. Stetina, Nacer Bellaloui, and William Molin
pp. 262-269 LibertyLink[[sup]]®[[/sup]], WideStrike[[sup]]®[[/sup]] and XtendFlex[[sup]]®[[/sup]] Tolerance to Late Postemergence Applications of Glufosinate and [[em]]S[[/em]]-Metolachlor
Tyson B. Raper, Shawn A. Butler, Savana Denton, Lawrence E. Steckel, and Robert M. Hayes
Issue Editors
Issue 4 Table of Contents
pp. 270-283 Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Short-Term Tillage Systems and Planting Date in North Carolina
Todd A. Spivey, Keith L. Edmisten, Randy Wells, David Jordan, Joshua L. Heitman, and Gail G. Wilkerson
pp. 284-291 Analysis of Testing Locations in Regional High-Quality Tests for Cotton Fiber Quality Traits
Linghe Zeng, Deborah L. Boykin, Jinfa Zhang, Efrem Bechere, Jane K. Dever, B. Todd Campbell, Tyson B. Raper, Calvin Meeks, Wayne Smith, Gerald O. Myers, and Fred M. Bourland
pp. 292-304 Export Demand Elasticity Estimation for U.S. Cotton
Bing Liu and Darren Hudson
Gerald O. Myers
Issue Editors