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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Volume 21 / 2017

Issue 1 Table of Contents
pp. 01-07 Accuracy of [[em]]Lygus hesperus[[/em]] Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) Egg Counts Improves with Egg Development
Dale W. Spurgeon, Evelien VanEkert, and LeAnne Elhoff
pp. 08-17 Available Time to Plant and Harvest Cotton across the Cotton Belt
Terry Griffin, and Ed Barnes
pp. 18-28 Development and Evaluation of a Novel Bench-Top Mechanical Cotton Seed Delinter for Cotton Breeders
Greg Holt, Tom Wedegaertner, John Wanjura, Mathew Pelletier, Chris Delhom, and Sara Duke
pp. 29-39 Tracking Cotton Fiber Quality and Foreign Matter through a Stripper Harvester
Wesley M. Porter, John D. Wanjura, Randal K. Taylor, Randal K. Boman, and Michael D. Buser
pp. 40-50 Survey Results of the Research Needs and Requirements of the Ginning Industries in Australia and the United States
M. H. J. van der Sluijs, and Greg Holt
pp. 51-59 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Seed Cotton Unloading Systems
Paul A. Funk, and John D. Wanjura
pp. 60-69 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Saw Gin Stands
Ed Hughs, Greg Holt, and Ross Rutherford
pp. 70-80 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Harvesting
John D. Wanjura, Kevin Baker, and Edward Barnes
pp. 81-93 High Quality Yarns Produced via High-Speed Roller Ginning of Upland Cotton
Christopher D. Delhom, Carlos B. Armijo, and S. Ed Hughs
Issue Editors
Issue 2 Table of Contents
pp. 94-103 Evaluation of Planting Date, Variety, and PRE Herbicide on Thrips Infestations, Cotton Growth and Development, and Lint Yield
J. Drake Copeland, Darrin M. Dodds, Angus L. Catchot, Jeff Gore, and David G. Wilson Jr.
pp. 104-112 Evaluation of Wheat Stubble Management and Seeding Rates for Cotton Grown Following Wheat Production
Darrin M. Dodds, Tyler H. Dixon, Angus L. Catchot, Bobby R. Golden, Erick Larson, Jac J. Varco, and Chase A. Samples
pp. 113-121 Effect of Nitrogen Application Rates on Yield and Quality in Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton
Ruixiu Sui, Richard K. Byler, and Christopher D. Delhom
pp. 122-127 Effect of Leaf Pubescence on Tarnished Plant Bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) Ability to Cause Damage and Yield Loss in Cotton
Wilks Wood, Jeff Gore, Angus Catchot, Don Cook, Darrin Dodds, and L. Jason Krutz
pp. 128-133 Microbial Degradation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in the Soil and Potential Implication on Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Control in Cotton
Cory J. Vineyard, and Scott Stewart
pp. 134-142 Tennessee and Mississippi Upland Cotton Producer Willingness to Participate in Hypothetical Crop Insurance Programs
Christopher N. Boyer, Kimberly L. Jensen, Dayton Lambert, Elizabeth McLeod, and James A. Larson
pp. 143-155 Precision Farming Adoption Trends in the Southern U.S.
Xia “Vivian” Zhou, Burton C. English, James A. Larson, Dayton M. Lambert, Roland K. Roberts, Christopher N. Boyer, Margarita Velandia, Lawrence L. Falconer, and Steve W. Martin
pp. 156-166 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]Energy Utilization and Conservation in Cotton Gins
Paul A. Funk, and Robert G. Hardin IV
pp. 167-174 Improving Cotton Warehousing Efficiencies through Novel Bale Marketing Strategies: Aisle-Stacking and Block-Stacking
Lauren Hazelrigs, William B. Faulkner, Ronald E. Lacey, John Robinson, and Calvin B. Parnell, Jr.
pp. 175-182 Assessing the Potential for Fluridone to Reduce the Number of Postemergence Herbicide Applications in Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton
Zachary T. Hill, Jason K. Norsworthy, L. Tom Barber, and Edward Gbur
Issue Editors
Issue 3 Table of Contents
pp. 183-189 The Effects of Mepiquat Chloride Applied to Cotton at Early Bloom and Physiological Cutout
Guy D. Collins, Keith L. Edmisten, Randy Wells, and Jared R. Whitaker
pp. 190-198 Performance of the Extra Long Staple Upland, Long Staple Upland, and Extra Strength Upland Fiber Traits in South Texas
Drutdaman Bhangu, C. Wayne Smith, and Steve Hague
pp. 199-209 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]Roller Ginning
Carlos B. Armijo, Derek P. Whitelock, Joe W. Thomas, Sidney E. Hughs, and Marvis N. Gillum
pp. 210-219 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]Textile Industry Needs
Christopher D. Delhom, Vikki B. Martin, and Martin K. Schreiner
pp. 220-228 Cotton Fiber-Quality Prediction Based on Spatial Variability in Soils
Rui Wang, J. Alex Thomasson, Michael S. Cox, Ruixiu Sui, and Elizabeth G. Marley Hollingsworth
pp. 229-241 Stress Responses of Commercial Cotton Cultivars to Reduced Irrigation at Flowering and Maximization of Yields under Sub-Optimal Subsurface Drip Irrigation
John J. Burke, and Mauricio Ulloa
pp. 242-246 Rye Residue Levels Affect Suppression of the Southern Root-Knot Nematode in Cotton
Patricia Timper
pp. 247-258 Fiber Micronaire, Fineness, and Maturity Predictions Using NIR Spectroscopy Instruments on Seed Cotton and Cotton Fiber, in and Outside the Laboratory
Jimmy Zumba, James Rodgers, and Matthew Indest
Issue Editors
Issue 4 Table of Contents
pp. 259-264 Manure-Derived Biochars for Use as a Phosphorus Fertilizer in Cotton Production
Thomas F. Ducey, Philip J. Bauer, Gilbert O. Sigua, Patrick G. Hunt, Jarrod O. Miller, and Keri B. Cantrell
pp. 265-274 A Deficit Irrigation Trial in Differing Soils Used To Evaluate Cotton Irrigation Scheduling For The Mid-South
Timothy J. Grant, Brian G. Leib, Heath A. Duncan, Chris L. Main, and David A. Verbree
pp. 275-283 Starvation-Induced Morphological Responses of the Boll Weevil, [[em]]Anthonomus grandis grandis[[/em]] Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Dale W. Spurgeon and Charles P.-C. Suh
pp. 284-295 Potential Interaction of Pre-emergence Herbicides and the Efficacy of Insecticide and Fungicide Seed Treatments in Cotton
Cory J. Vineyard, Heather Kelly, Larry Steckel, and Scott Stewart
pp. 296-305 Relationships of Plant Trichomes to Yield and Fiber Quality Parameters in Upland Cotton
Freddie M. Bourland and Edward E. Gbur
pp. 306-314 Evaluation of The Heritability of Key Architectural Traits and Yield Components In The Beninese Cotton Breeding Program
Déo-Gratias Judrita Mawugnon Hougni, D. Charlemagne Aboua, Eric Araye, Timothée Hounton, Isidore, Amonmide, Marius Sinha, and Alexis Hougni
pp. 315-319 Genetic Analysis of Fiber Color Using Segregations of Color Parameters in Cotton
Fatma Aykut Tonk, Muzaffer Tosun, Deniz İştipliler, Emre İlker, and Ayşe Reçber
pp. 320-331 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK[[/font]][[BR]]OSHA Noise Regulations and Agriculture, Including Cotton Gins
Phillip J. Wakelyn and J. Kelley Green
Gerald O. Myers, Editor-in-Chief
Issue Editors