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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 1 Table of Contents

Picture of a bollworm moth (<em>Helicoverpa zea</em>): Based upon end-of-season yield mapping of cotton plants, the presence of bollworm and tobacco budworm larvae were best related to losses of fruit approximately 3 – 15 days old at the time of infestation.


Agronomy and Soils
Influence of Within-season Densities of Heliothines and Tarnished Plant Bugs on Variability in End-of-season Cotton Yield Mapping
K.C. Allen, R.G. Luttrell, and C.D. Parker Jr.
Pages: 11-22

Picture of a bollworm moth (Helicoverpa zea): Based upon end-of-season yield mapping of cotton plants, the presence of bollworm and tobacco budworm larvae were best related to losses of fruit approximately 3 – 15 days old at the time of infestation.

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Cotton Yield Response to Soil- and Foliar-Applied Potassium as Influenced by Irrigation
D.L. Coker, D.M. Oosterhuis, and R.S. Brown
Pages: 01-10

Agronomy and Soils
Influence of Within-season Densities of Heliothines and Tarnished Plant Bugs on Variability in End-of-season Cotton Yield Mapping
K.C. Allen, R.G. Luttrell, and C.D. Parker Jr.
Pages: 11-22

Arthropod Management
Susceptibility of Selected Lepidopteran Pests to Rynaxypyr®, a Novel Insecticide
J.H. Temple, P.L. Pommireddy, D.R. Cook, P. Marçon, and B.R. Leonard
Pages: 23-31

Weed Science
Critical Timing of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Removal in Second-Generation Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton
B.J. Fast, S.W. Murdock, R.L. Farris, J.B. Willis, and D.S. Murray
Pages: 32-36