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Issue 3 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization of Disk-Till and No-Till Cotton
Donald D. Howard, Michael E. Essington, Joanne Logan, Roland K. Roberts, Wyveta M. Percell
Pages: 144-155

Economics and Marketing
Profit-Maximizing Nitrogen Fertilization Rates for Alternative Tillage and Winter Cover Systems
James A. Larson, Roland K. Roberts, Edward C. Jaenicke, Donald D. Tyler
Pages: 156-168

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Evaluation of an Enzyme-Based Method for the Detection of Stickiness Potential on Cotton Lint
G.R. Gamble
Pages: 169-173

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Protective Role in Acquired Thermotolerance of Developmentally Regulated Heat Shock Proteins in Cotton Seeds
John J. Burke and Patrick J. O’Mahony
Pages: 174-183

Weed Science
Fluometuron Carryover to Flue-Cured Tobacco Following Application to Cotton
Arthur L. Bradley, Alan C. York, Fred H. Yelverton, A. Stanley Culpepper, Roger B. Batts
Pages: 184-196