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Issue 4 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Molecular Biology and Physiology
Expression of Two Tissue-Specific Promoters in Transgenic Cotton Plants
Ping Song, Jeanie L. Heinen, Teresa H. Burns, and Randy D. Allen
Pages: 217-223

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Reduction of Verticillium Wilt Symptoms in Cotton Following Seed Treatment with <em>Trichoderma virens</em>
Linda E. Hanson
Pages: 224-231

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Root-Knot Nematode Reproduction and Root Galling Severity on Related Conventional and Transgenic Cotton Cultivars
Patrick D. Colyer, Terrence L. Kirkpatrick, W. David Caldwell, and Philip R. Vernon
Pages: 232-236

Agronomy and Soils
Buffering of Foliar Potassium and Boron Solutions for No-tillage Cotton Production
D.D. Howard, M.E. Essington, C.O. Gwathmey, and W.M. Percell
Pages: 237-244