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Issue 3 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Arthropod Management
Maturity and Yield Responses of Non-transgenic and Transgenic Bt Cotton to Simulated Bollworm Injury
Jeffrey Gore, B. Roger Leonard, Eugene Burris, Don R. Cook, and J. Hunter Fife
Pages: 152-160

Breeding and Genetics
Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Agronomic and Fiber Quality Traits in an Intraspecific Population
Mauricio Ulloa and William R. Meredith Jr.
Pages: 161-170

Economics and Marketing
Soil- and Foliar-Applied Boron in Cotton Production: An Economic Analysis
Roland K. Roberts, Justin M. Gersman, and Donald D. Howard
Pages: 171-177

Engineering and Ginning
Entrance Velocity Optimization for Modified Dust Cyclones
Paul A. Funk, S. Ed Hughs, Greg A. Holt
Pages: 178-182

Engineering and Ginning
Feasibility of Applying Seedcotton Cleaning Principles to Lint Cleaning
Gino J. Mangialardi Jr. and W. Stanley Anthony
Pages: 183-192

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Economical and Rapid Method for Extracting Cotton Genomic DNA
Jinfa Zhang and James McD. Stewart
Pages: 193-201

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Modification of the Potassium Ferricyanide Reducing Sugar Test for Sugars from Extracts of Cotton Fiber
Donald E. Brushwood
Pages: 202-209

Weed Science
Cotton Response to Imazapic and Imazethapyr Applied to a Preceding Peanut Crop
Alan C. York, David L. Jordan, Roger B. Batts, A. Stanley Culpepper
Pages: 210-216