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Issue 3 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Arthropod Management
Development of a New Whitefly Trap
Chang-chi Chu and Thomas J. Henneberry
Pages: 104-109

Arthropod Management
Efficacy of Ultra Low Volume and High Volume Applications of Fipronil Against the Boll Weevil
Joseph E. Mulrooney, Dan A. Wolfenbarger, Kevin D. Howard, and Deepa Goli
Pages: 110-116

Arthropod Management
Methomyl Resistance in Strains and Crosses of Tobacco Budworm: Degree of Dominance and Patroclinous Effects
D.A. Wolfenbarger and D.J. Wolfenbarger
Pages: 117-120

Breeding and Genetics
Cotton Germplasm Diversity and Its Importance to Cultivar Development
George Van Esbroeck and Daryl T. Bowman
Pages: 121-129

Engineering and Ginning
Using In-Row Subsoiling to Minimize Soil Compaction Caused by Traffic
R.L. Raper, D.W. Reeves, and E.C. Burt
Pages: 130-135

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Semi-Continuous Carbon Dioxide Exchange Rates in Cotton Treated with Commercially Available Plant Growth Regulators
C.W. Bednarz and M.W. van Iersel
Pages: 136-142

Agronomy and Soils
Yield and Petiole Nitrate Concentrations of Cotton Treated with Soil-Applied and Foliar-Applied Nitrogen
J.S. McConnell, W.H. Baker, and R.C. Kirst, Jr.
Pages: 143-152