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Issue 1 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Arthropod Management
Upland Cotton Susceptibility to Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) Infestations
Chang-chi Chu, Eric T. Natwick, Henry H. Perkins, Donald E. Brushwood, Thomas J. Henneberry, Steven J. Castle, Allen C. Cohen, and Marcus A. Boykin
Pages: 01-09

Engineering and Ginning
Time Course of Pulmonary Responses to Inhalation of Cotton Dust in the Guinea Pig Animal Model
V. Castranova, V.A. Robinson, W.T. Goldsmith, N.A. Phillips, A. Afshari, and D.G. Frazer
Pages: 10-16

Breeding and Genetics
Analysis of Commonality for Traits of Cotton Fiber
R.H. Kloth
Pages: 17-22

Breeding and Genetics
Evaluation of Near Infrared Reflectance for Oil Content of Cottonseed
R.J. Kohel
Pages: 23-26

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Survival of Parasitic and Saprophytic Fungi on Intact Senescent Cotton Roots
Richard Baird and Donald Carling
Pages: 27-34

Economics and Marketing
Plant-Based Economic Injury Level for Assessing Economic Thresholds in Early-Season Cotton
Sha Mi, Diana M. Danforth, N. Philip Tugwell, and Mark J. Cochran
Pages: 35-52

Engineering and Ginning
Field Evaluations of Air and Saw Lint Cleaning Systems
Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr. and W. Stanley Anthony
Pages: 53-61

Textile Technology
Relating Bundle Strength to Mantis Single Fiber Strength Measurements
D. P. Thibodeaux, J. J. Hebert, N. S. Abd. El-Gawad, and J. S. Moraitis
Pages: 62-67

Economics and Marketing
(Contemporary Issue) Cotton Market Price Information: How it Affects the Industry
Don Ethridge and Darren Hudson
Pages: 68-76